There is writers’ block, and then there’s this.
I’m smitten with a boy. He’s the bee’s knees. He’s the best thing since sliced bread. He’s exactly what I’ve been too afraid to even hope for. The only thing wrong with him is that he lives in Portland. This obstacle isn’t insurmountable (for the time being), but it has me doing some serious pondering, and daydreaming, and wishing the time between now and next weekend away.
Normally, I’d use this forum to air the angst, giddiness, and all out stupidity that generally accompanies a serious crush like this. Then Badger or Ryan or my mom would comment and I’d feel better, until I was all emotional about it and had to post about it again. The problem: Cute Boy reads my blog. He’s probably reading this right now. And he knows I know he reads it. Anything I put on here is basically a backhanded way of communicating with him.
So I’m at a total loss for something to post. I can’t write about things I don’t give a shit about. And, lately, all I’m thinking about is him (and my niece and nephew who I will see in about 24 hours, but do you really want to hear about them again? Didn’t think so). And even if I wasn’t embarrassed at the thought of him reading about how fab I think he is, I’m thinking of you other readers. I know that there is nothing more excrutiating than listening to someone wax pathetic about the object of their affection. Unless it’s unrequited, of course, because then it’s poetry.
I got nothing, peeps. Unless you wanna hear about his cute, curly, brown hair, or how adorable he is when he’s sleeping, or how nice he was to my cats even after one of them bit him, or how he gave up tickets to a football game to hang out with me. See! How sappy am I? You don’t wanna read that! I don’t even wanna read that.
So let’s all pray that Bush gets impeached or for another natural disaster or some interesting news story that I can exploit to express my half-baked, only partially informed, not particularly fascinating views.
November 22nd, 2005 at 11:56 am
It’s so wonderful to be smitten. I know this because I am as well. (but you knew that). enjoy!
November 22nd, 2005 at 1:28 pm
Personally I want to hear about his curly brown hair, but only so I can make good-natured fun of him later. On second thought, I’d prefer that Bush be impeached. Can you make that happen thru voodoo or something?
November 22nd, 2005 at 1:37 pm
I agree. More about his hair and how cute he is when he’s sleeping! He sounds so dreamy.
November 22nd, 2005 at 4:04 pm
Oh, and how happy I am for you. Perhaps it’s in the air, all is right in the land and I too have stumbled into the same. So, if you wanna gross someone out, I bet I could double-gross you back and my gal can come and triple gross out the whole deal. Make it a weekend everyone is in Portland and two twitterpated couples (for a total of 4 people glowing unnaturally) – they’d probably kick us out of bars for dripping Schmaltz all over their floors.
p.s. I love that word twitterpated. Keep the TP alive.
November 22nd, 2005 at 4:17 pm
Ha! The blog backfire, huh? That’s why I’ve been seeking out women who don’t speak much english. Anyway, I do have a secret weapon: your email! There, we will speak about your smittenness/smittenning.
November 22nd, 2005 at 9:58 pm
Hey Girl ! How are the neice and nephew?
Do bees have knees???
I hope he’s not white bread, because thats bad for you!
Please! No poetry! It gives me hives.
The badger community is very happy for you.