Brushes with Fame
I’m not normally a name dropper (though I did recently regale GTB with the story of the time BFE and I smoked cigarettes on a back porch with Anthony Bourdain), but I know this guy.
I must have met him after the big injury they mention in 2001, because he didn’t seem like much of a runner then. He seemed more like a heavy drinking Irish guy who could spin quite a yarn about Communist goats living in Ballard and what happens when you split a human body 1,000 times with lasers (“It’s not a metaphor!”)
Anyway, I’m glad to see he’s doing well. And I can’t wait to read his new book.
March 28th, 2006 at 4:15 pm
Recent brushes with fame in nyc…..Mike Myers outside the club Thor on Rivington St in the Lower East Side and also Ewan McGregor walking down 15h St in Chelsea…..I don’t count Molly Shannon as famous anymore since i see her just about every day at the Starbucks on 9th Ave.