I’m So Google
I don’t know why, perhaps it’s because I leave comments in places that web crawlers like, but I get about 30 spam comments a day. Most of the time, they are in Chinese characters and, not being a native speaker of Cantonese, I don’t even know how offended I should be. Othertimes they are in English and they say things like, “Gay face cum shot,” or “Cute girl ugly dog.” I know exactly how offended to be by those and they are deleted immediately.
But there are a couple I get on a regular basis that crack me up. For instance, I love the guy who sends me comments that say, “Your site is google! Click here for a free sample of Lunestra.”
I had no idea “google” had become an adjective. But, hey, when I think about it, I guess I am pretty google.
Then there is this one:
“This web-site is the coolest!
Now I dont have to feel so intimated by science!
Youre a genius! I think Ill visit this site often.”
I’m not sure which of my posts explained science to this person, maybe it’s the one on Intelligent Design or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. But I’m glad I’m providing such an important community service. Now, if only my site could convey the wonders of apostrophe use.
September 6th, 2006 at 2:19 pm
I know that you’ve always explained the world to me (even if you were just making it up)!