I’m obnoxious
Every morning, I try to find the most soothing and loving way to awaken GTB from his peaceful slumber. Today, I did it with my laptop open to the Austin City Limits page where they had just announced their 2007 lineup, including Bob Dylan, Wilco, My Morning Jacket, Muse, Bloc Party, and all the rest.
It wasn’t until later, at work, that I realized that one of GTB’s least favorite singers will also be there: Regina Spektor.
I have to admit, I think her single is kinda catchy, but it makes GTB crazy.
So earlier today, I sent GTB this email:
The Girl: “I ah ah ah ah ah ah I’m so glad that Regina Spektor will be at ACL. I ah ah ah ah ah I’m totally gonna make you watch her.”
GTB: “Hilarious! It’s going to kill Bret to know that he’s missing her.”
The Girl: “I ah ah ah ah ah ah I bet.”
GTB: “Please stop. Now that song is stuck in my head.”
The Girl: “You ah ah ah ah ah ah ah are welcome.”
GTB: “You suh ah ah ah ah ah ah uck.”
Poor guy.
May 10th, 2007 at 3:03 pm
This will also get stuck in your head: My old office mate once referred to her as Regina, rhyming with vagina. So now I can’t see her name without thinking Reg-eye-na.