Fun with Malapropisms
I don’t know what my problem is, but I’ve had trouble reading lately.
The other day, as GTB tailgated a Trimet bus, I noticed a bumper sticker on the back of it and, at first glance, thought it said “Bloodfest.” What it actually said was “Biodiesel.” WTF?
This morning, while I waited for my latte, I read the front page of the New York Times and saw this headline: Bloomberg Severs G.O.P. Ties, Fueling Talk of ’08 Bid. Only I read “severs” as “servers” and could NOT make sense of it. I had to read those nine words about ten times to figure it out.
A few minutes ago, I was perusing and saw this headline: ‘Manhunt 2’ banned for ‘casual sadism’. I clicked right over because I read “sadism” as “sodomy” and couldn’t wait to read about the new video game featuring hot guy-on-guy action. Imagine my disappointment upon reading that it’s only got graphic violence. Damn.