You might want to sit down for this
I know this could be shocking to some of you, but it turns out I’m a Democrat. I know. I know. Try to calm yourself.
I was on Izzy’s site yesterday and found a link to this quiz. It helps you determine which political party you share values with. Once you take the quiz, you can play with all kinds of cool features like mapping yourself on a graph of famous people. Me? I’m hangin’ in Robert Redford, Hillary Clinton, and Mikhail Gorbechev’s neighborhood. What a block party that would be!
Go take it. Then come back and tell me where you stand.
September 21st, 2005 at 11:17 am
I am a social moderate and an economic liberal. Best described as a Democrat. Shocker there. I’m right in the lower right hand part of Gorbies face. At least I’m not on the birth mark. Yucko.
September 21st, 2005 at 5:08 pm
I’m a social and economic liberal. I’m sitting on top of Hillary’s head right in the middle of the lower right hand quarter. No surprise. Thanks for the fun test.
September 22nd, 2005 at 8:19 am
I took MANY tests like this in grad school, trying to avoid the ever need to be politically pin-pointed. I noticed (like this one) that the tests are often slanted in their language- the rhetoric is amazing. I’m particularly interested in the little “quiz” at the end- why couldn’t we provide the “who we voted for” etc information after being pegged? I’m always skeptical of these things, you know. That said, I did get an unsurprising result: I’m a “cenrist,” not to be confused with a “sitting on the fencist.” Here it is: You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. Sounds about right – economic moderate/social liberal. I’m left of Adam Sandler. Seems to me that there are more women on the political spectrum besides Hilary. Um, Eleanor Roosevelt, Virginia Woolf, Ms. Rice, Sandra Day O’Connor. The suspicion mounts.
September 22nd, 2005 at 2:09 pm
I was actually hoping to be somewhere in the Darth Vader area. That guy rules… literally sometimes.