Sipping the kool-aid
I spent the weekend in a hippie retreat center (centre?) on the Sunshine Coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. I ate organic food, spent time practicing the 5 Tibetan Rites, received more massages in one day than I have in my previous twenty-nine years, and came home blissed out and ready to throw my arms around the entire universe while proclaiming my love for all of my spiritual brothers and sisters.
Then, yesterday, less than twenty-four hours after returning to Seattle, as I was driving through Ballard, the driver in front of me came to a complete stop and, after an eternity of hesitation, turned left. In the middle of a conversation with BFE about how my energy has changed and I’m more open and vulnerable and loving, I heard myself yelling, “Are you turning? Way to use your blinker! Fucking Californian.”