Ashtanga, baby!
About a month ago, GTB and I joined 24 Hour Fitness. At first, I just wanted to use the amazingly clean and maintained cardio machines and sparkling universal weights. But then I discovered classes. I attended one called “Amped Abs!” with a friend. We were both unimpressed, given that the self-inflicted punishment our own ab sessions consist of is far more difficult than the weak-ass shit this so-called “instructor” doled out over fifteen of the easiest minutes I’ve ever spent at the gym.
Wondering if all classes were going to be this boring, I decided to give the 5:45 a.m. Monday Yoga class a try.
Now, I’ve been exercising on a regular basis since junior high. Between school-sanctioned sports, a brief and ill-fated attempt to become an avid “runner” while living in NYC, and the most recent five or so years I’ve been a regular gym attendee, I thought I was in pretty good shape. But I’d never done yoga before.
So you can imagine my surprise when my first ashtanga class brought me face to face with the realization that my legs are nothing more than puddles of pudding after about ten minutes of Warrior poses.
I had no idea!
In addition to the exhaustion that overtook me for the rest of that first Monday, I was sore until Thursday. Naturally, each “Ooh,” “Ugh,” and “Fuckin’ A my thighs hurt!” thought was followed by “I can’t wait to do that again!” I haven’t been sore like that since high school Volleyball double dailies. I flippin’ loved it!
My next session was just as difficult, and left me just as achy. My back, my stomach, my hips, my rib cage, my shoulder blades. Everything hurt. It was glorious.
By session three, I could hold the poses without falling or cheating by setting down a toe, though my muscles were still a-wobblin’ and a-quiverin’ by the end of each set of poses. And I was still sore after. Only for one day this time though.
During my third class, the instructor announced that since Christmas and New Year’s both fall on Mondays, we wouldn’t have class for the next two weeks. I’m still not quite comfortable attending the evening class that is so full, I hear people do poses next to the spinning bikes. So I decided I need to take matters into my own hands.
I searched Comcast On Demand for yoga shows. There’s only one I can find, and it’s a fifteen minute Rodney Yee ab-focused workout. It’s totally fine, but it’s nothing like a full-on yoga session. And I don’t know enough poses to do anything really satisfying on my own. You can only hold Warrior One and Frog so many times before you get bored, ya know?
Which is why I was so excited opening my present from Glamm and Slamm last Saturday–not one but TWO Rodney Yee DVDs. Then I went to my mom’s and stole her Rodney Yee DVD. (Hey, it was unopened, and she’d already given me her yoga mat; it’s not like she can use the DVD if I have the mat, right?)
GTB and I already have plans to go to the gym after work tonight, and I’ll probably go again tomorrow night. But is it wrong that I want to do yoga tomorrow morning, too? How much is too much? I originally thought I’d do yoga on the days I don’t go to the gym. But since I’m going five times a week now, I don’t think I can limit myself to yoga only twice a week. I like it too much. I might have to double up days. Yoga in the morning, cardio and weights in the evening.
Yep. I’ll be doing Crow by February.
December 27th, 2006 at 1:45 pm
It doesn’t hurt that Rodney Yee is easy on the eyes either. Well, it still hurts.
January 1st, 2007 at 10:03 pm
Wow, you make me want to go work out and I talk a lot about it but never do it. It is on the New Years resolution list so wish me luck.
I hope all the wedding plans are going super de duper!
January 3rd, 2007 at 8:22 pm
Hey there. This is exactly why I love Yoga as much as I do. Molly took me for the first time & I thought for sure that it wouldn’t really be serious ex-cer-size! Meditative maybe, but not actually make me work out! boy was I wrong…welcome to the wonderful world of Yoga. It does a body good.